Guide Kwah-ee- Winter Camp

What is Kwah-ee?

Kwah-ee is a provincial camp for Guides, held in both the winter and summer. Programming is created by a team of amazing Guiders to give the guides an opportunity to meet new friends, build skills, and have fun at one of our camps.

Winter Kwah-eeSitting around fireplace

This year Winter Kwah-ee will be held February 21st-23rd at Camp Kanada in West Petpeswick and February 28-March 2 at Anne Fraser House in Middle Sackville.

Winter Kwah-ee 2025 welcomes Guides to Hollywood. A theme chosen from previous attendees! Both weekends will be indoor camps with a heated bunkroom for Guides to sleep in. Our quartermasters will ensure your Guide will be fed a variety of delicious foods (and can accommodate any dietary needs). The weekend will consist of program activities, games, outdoor activities and campfire fun among other things. The camp is always a ton of fun for all.

Applications are currently being accepted. Deadline is January 2nd. Acceptance letters will roll out the following week.

Winter Kwah-ee Week 1 - Camp Kanada - February 21-23
Winter Kwah-ee Week 2 - Anne Fraser - February 28-March 2

Winter Kwah-ee FAQs for caregiversGuide posing

Winter Kwah-ee is a two-night camp for girls registered as Guides at the time of registration. No experience is necessary. Additional information, including camp fees and the camp's location, can be found on the youth application. 

Questions can be directed to

Please note:

  • Girls apply individually and will be assigned a patrol before camp.
  • The patrols will be assigned prior to camp and be comprised of seven Guides at Camp Kanada and six Guides at Anne Fraser House.
  • All campers will sleep in a large bunk room. They will choose their bunks when they arrive. Leaders will have a separate bunk area in the building.
  • Activities at camp will consist of both indoor and outdoor activities. The weather will be considered when determining how much time Guides will spend outdoors.
  • Both camps have indoor washroom facilities to use during this camp.
  • Meals will be prepared by the camp quartermasters/cooks. Do not send food unless discussed with camp staff before camp.
  • Guides will help with chores, including helping with meals, washing dishes, keeping the washrooms clean and keeping the property clean.
  • Kit list and other information, including activities will be emailed before camp.
  • No electronics at camp. They may become damaged or lost. Camp is a time to unplug and make new friends. Staff will have phones in case of emergencies. If there is a reason why a girl must have electronics then they will be held by the adult staff (unless needed).

Ready to camp? Apply now.

Staff Information:

  • Staff application.
  • Available volunteer positions: Responsible Guider, Program Guiders, Quartermasters, First Aiders.
  • Kwah-ee is also looking for second and third year Pathfinders and all Rangers to be youth staff as patrol and shadow leaders.
  • Position Descriptions can be found on the provincial website under Committee Responsibilities
  • Questions can be directed to

Summer Kwah-ee

Dates and locations for Summer Kwah-ee are close to being finalized. Details to follow. Campers at Winter Kwah-ee will help vote for the next theme.

Snowy hike Campfire outside

2/7/2025 9:30:05 AM