Girl Events

Guiding offers many exciting opportunities to learn and develop skills, experience new challenges and receive recognition along the way.
Below is a listing of events that are currently being planned that may pertain to you as a member, daughter/ward or the girls in your unit.

*Information on these events can be found clicking on the Information section of the event (as it becomes available)

Guided Moose Hike

The Guiding Moose Hike is open to Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers and Trex members. Guider volunteers are also needed.

Nature Nova Scotia is offering a Guided Moose Hike in Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes on Saturday, February 3, from 10 a.m. to noon for GGC members. This event is free and registration is now open for individuals and units. Members who are visiting the HRM during this time are also welcome to attend. More information will be provided to registered members via email.

Register now.

Alberta Girls' Parliament 52nd Session – 2024

Are you a Pathfinder, Trex or Ranger, 15 to 18 years old at the time of the event?

NS is pleased to support 2 members who wish to learn and engage with other interested members in this exciting event. 

If increasing your public speaking and debate skills; learning about the parliamentary process; meeting interesting motivational speakers chosen by the elected delegates; having fun with participants from all over Alberta and beyond; then this event is not to be missed.

Wednesday, April 3, 7:00 p.m. to Sunday, April 7, 1:00 p.m.

Where: Providence Renewal Centre, 3005 119 St NW Edmonton, Alberta

Who: 2 Delegates

Cost: Registration fee includes all meals, snacks, activities and four nights’ accommodation and flights will be funded by NS Council.

You can find more information on this event on the information sheetApply now.

NS Application Deadline: February 16

Registered Delegates to AGP will receive a complete information package in March via email.

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