Ways of Giving

Fund Development

Contact: ns-treasurer@girlguides.ca

Girl Greatness Starts Here!

And with your donations that Greatness will continue on...


Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada - Nova Scotia Celebrated 100 years
of vibrancy in 2011 and what a fantastic century we experienced.
Through Girl Guides, various imaginative and innovative activity choices,
girls are empowered to reach their potential, be independent, confident
and caring as they learn to develop decision-making and life skills.

As one of Canada's largest organizations for girls 5-17+ and women over 18,
Guiding has long contributed to success among girls and women by providing opportunities
for fun, friendship, camping, adventures, personal and leadership development, role models
for girls, service and community involvement.

How does my donation make a difference?
Financial assistance with camping / event fees, support for girl uniforms, scholarship and bursaries,
conference / workshop fees or a donation of artifacts - your donation goes directly to help the girls.
More information on Guiding Assistance, Chief Commissioner Scholarship or Archives

How can I make a donation?

There are several options for giving to Girl Guides of Canada-Nova Scotia Council:

One Time Gift

    Your one-time gift will help us provide fun, friendship and adventure for girls
    across Nova Scotia, tax receipts are issued for all donations.

In Memoriam
     An In Memoriam Gift is a caring way to express sympathy and to honour
     someone's memory. All In Memoriam's are acknowledged with a card to the family.
     Should you desire, we are able to provide In Memoriam cards to the funeral home as well, please call the office at (902) 423-3735.

Special Occasion
     Why not let family members, friends or colleagues know that you are thinking
     of them on a birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement or other memorable occasion.
     We will gladly send a card to the individual(s) being honoured, acknowledging their
     special occasion and your thoughtfulness.

A legacy or planned gift

    This is a charitable gift made from your estate and a commitment to the future.
    These deferred gifts can help you make the most of your assets while, at the same time,
    sustain your passion for Guiding by making a powerful impact on the lives of girls
    and young women for future generations.

Archival Artifacts
    Donations either financial or items of historical value, allow the Nova Scotia Council
    to continue to operate the Archives that contains the history of Girl Guides in Nova Scotia.

Your donation can be sent by cheque to:

Girl Guides of Canada - Nova Scotia Council
3581 Dutch Village Rd, Halifax, NS B3N 2S9
(902) 423-3735

Donations may be made to our organization for any program offered or to general revenue.

Please make cheque out to Girl Guides of Canada - NS Council
Charitable Registration # 118938554RR0027

Note: Girl Guides of Canada-Nova Scotia Council respects the privacy of its members and donors.
We do not sell, rent or trade our membership or donor list. The information we collect is used to process
donations and keep you informed of our programs. If you wish to be excluded from our mailing list,
please let us know when you are making your donations.
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